ESB League – Welcome to BFV Season 4



Together with Samsung, MSI, Gamers Apparel, DLC Studios, and Orisono, we are proud to present ESB League Season 4. We are ecstatic to work with these incredible brands to bring you our biggest Battlefield V event to date.

Our focus this season will be creating an incredible 4v4 Rush European PlayStation event and showcase what Battlefield Esports can be with the right game mode and partners. While our focus does lie in Europe for Season 4, we will be supporting other regions and platforms as always.
While we are aware not every platform/region combination we are proposing will have enough teams, we want to give everyone an equal opportunity to participate and experience this new format (and hopefully have their very own league).
Visit the “League Schedule” tab to understand better the event format and “Qualifiers” to try and qualify! The FAQ section is already filled with answers to your questions.

Games Modes & Regions:

For Season 4, we will be featuring the following leagues on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One:
  • 4v4 Rush
    • PS4 Europe
    • PS4 North America
    • PS4 South America
    • XB1 Europe
    • XB1 North America
  • 8v8 Squad Conquest
    • PS4 South America



The 8 teams that qualify for Division 1 of our European PlayStation event will be competing for some EPIC prizes! Don’t worry though; we’ll have plenty of giveaways throughout the season for everyone else as well!

1st Place:

  • 700 Euros in cash
  • 4x Custom Designed Gamers Apparel Jerseys
  • 4x Samsung Hoodies
  • 4x MSI Plush Kites
  • 4x MSI Caps
  • 4x Red Bull 24 Can Packs

2nd Place:

  • 4x Samsung Hoodies
  • 4x MSI Caps
  • 4x MSI Drinking Cups
  • -10% Gamers Apparel Discount Code

3rd Place:

  • 4x Samsung Hoodies
  • -10% Gamers Apparel Discount Code


  • 1x 27″ Odyssey G7 Gaming Monitor
  • 1x Samsung Hoodie



League Schedule


Important Notes:

  • All 4v4 leagues (and respective divisions) feature 2 Matches a Week.
  • While the schedule below highlights the standard match days for each week, teams are still able to play the games on other days/times as long as each match is played in its respective week.
    • For 4v4s, the first match of the week has to be played from Monday-Thursday, while the second match of the week has to be played from Friday-Sunday.
  • Standard times are as follows:
    • 4v4 Europe: 9:00 pm CET
    • 4v4 North America: 9:00 pm EST
    • 4v4 South America: 9:00 pm BRT
  • Qualifier #1:
    • Sunday 28/02/2021
      • (Please see the Qualifiers tab for the exact start time & sign-up links for each event)
  • Qualifier #2:
    • Sunday 07/03/2021
      • (Please see the Qualifiers tab for the exact start time & sign-up links for each event)
  • Qualifier #3:
    • Sunday 14/03/2021
      • (Please see the Qualifiers tab for the exact start time & sign-up links for each event)


Regular Season: 

Note #1: Full Game Schedule will be released on Monday, 22/03/2021, on the first day of the Season.
Note #2: ESB All-Stars dates are shown in red to help differentiate them from the regular-season schedule.

  • Week 1: Monday 22/03/2021 – Sunday 28/03/2021
    • Match 1: Thursday 25/03/2021
    • Match 2: Sunday 28/03/2021
  • Week 2:  Monday 29/03/2021 – Sunday 04/04/2021
    • Match 3: Thursday 01/04/2021
    • Match 4: Sunday 04/04/2021
  • Week 3: Monday 05/04/2021 – Sunday 11/04/2021
    • Match 5: Thursday 08/04/2021
    • Match 6: Sunday 11/04/2021
  • Week 4:  Monday 12/04/2021 – Sunday 18/04/2021
    • General Roster Lock: Monday 12/04/2021
    • ESB All-Stars Voting Starts: Monday 12/04/2021
    • Match 7: Thursday 15/04/2021
    • ESB All-Stars Voting Ends: Friday 16/04/2021
    • ESB All-Stars Draft: Saturday 17/04/2021
    • Match 8: Sunday 18/04/2021
  • Week 5: Monday 19/04/2021 – Sunday 25/04/2021
    • Match 9: Thursday 22/04/2021
    • ESB All-Stars Event: Saturday 24/04/2021
    • Match 10: Sunday 25/04/2021
  • Week 6: Monday 26/04/2021 – Sunday 02/05/2021
    • Match 11: Thursday 29/04/2021
    • Match 12: Sunday 02/05/2021
  • Week 7: Monday 03/05/2021 – Sunday 09/05/2021
    • Match 13: Thursday 06/05/2021
    • Match 14: Sunday 09/05/2021



Brackets Released on Monday, 10/05/2021

  • Playoffs Weekend: Saturday 15/05/2021 – Sunday 16/05/2021
    • Semi-Finals: Saturday 15/05/2021
    • Finals: Sunday 16/05/2021



There are no qualifiers for 8v8 Squad Conquest. Please visit the “Qualifiers” tab for more information.

Regular Season: 

Note #1: Full Game Schedule will be released on Monday, 22/03/2021, on the first day of the Season.

  • Week 1: Monday 22/03/2021 – Sunday 28/03/2021
    • Match 1: Saturday 27/03/2021
  • Week 2:  Monday 29/03/2021 – Sunday 04/04/2021
    • Match 2: Saturday 03/04/2021
  • Week 3: Monday 05/04/2021 – Sunday 11/04/2021
    • Match 3: Saturday 10/04/2021
  • Week 4:  Monday 12/04/2021 – Sunday 18/04/2021
    • General Roster Lock: Monday 12/04/2021
    • Match 4: Saturday 17/04/2021
  • Week 5: Monday 19/04/2021 – Sunday 25/04/2021
    • Match 5: Saturday 24/04/2021
  • Week 6: Monday 26/04/2021 – Sunday 02/05/2021
    • Match 6: Saturday 01/05/2021
  • Week 7: Monday 03/05/2021 – Sunday 09/05/2021
    • Match 7: Saturday 08/05/2021



Brackets Released on Monday, 10/05/2021

  • Playoffs Weekend: Saturday 15/05/2021 – Sunday 16/05/2021
    • Semi-Finals: Saturday 15/05/2021
    • Finals: Sunday 16/05/2021



There will be 3 qualifiers for each of the North American and European leagues that we will be offering. The qualifiers have a One Day Cup, 5 Round Swiss bracket format. This means that each team will have 5 matches to play regardless of how many they Win/Lose throughout each qualifier.

For our South American leagues, if your team would like to participate, please send a private Discord message to either Prince#8658 or iMPaz#4143. There will be no qualifiers for the South American portion of Season 4.

Each qualifier you participate in will earn you points that count towards acquiring a spot in Season 4, depending on how well your team does in each qualifier. After all three qualifiers are over, the final rankings will be published, and each team will earn their spot in a division of their respective Platform/Region. If enough teams compete in our Qualifiers, we will open extra Divisions where necessary. (Note: Division spots will be assigned based on each team’s final ranking. Ranks 1-8 will earn a spot in Division 1, 9-16 in Division 2, and 17-24 in Division 3.)

Note #1: The qualifiers run through Battlefy, which means you must create your team there and sign-up for each qualifier individually through the links below if you wish to participate.

Each qualifier will award  you the following points based on your team’s final placement:

  • 1st100pts
  • 2nd75pts
  • 3rd50pts
  • 4th35pts
  • 5th-8th20pts
  • 9th-16th10pts
  • 17th-32nd5pts
  • 33rd-64th2pts


Qualifier #1 – Sunday 28/02/2021

Qualifier #2 – Sunday 07/03/2021

Qualifier #3 – Sunday 14/03/2021



PlayStation Ranks

Note #1: Points earned by each team, divided by each category, will be displayed here.
Note #2: Division placing will be awarded based on each team’s final ranking. Ranks 1-8 will earn a spot in Division 1, 9-18 will earn a spot in Division 2, 19-27 will earn a spot in Division 3.

RankTeamQualifiers PlayedWinsLossesOW% AVGPoints
1ProLegion Gaming315066.2300
2Underage Andies312357.26666667160
4Tribe E-Gaming Black310559.06666667115
5RAiD competitive39654.680
6BeSt GanG39661.2666666775
7Team Pulsar eSport3875150
8FANTASTIC 537850.5333333340
9Raptors eSports36956.440
10Prime eSport26452.630
11Bega Esports26447.330
12eRemiti eSport351055.230
13GHR eSports Black Suits331250.8666666725
14Eagles eSport Bravo24645.220
15Origin Gaming1326820
16Banana E-Sport2375120
17Marine Iguana22850.315
18Tribe Red12346.610
19Eagles eSport Alpha12341.210

RankTeamWLOW% AVGPoints
1xP Gaming5056100
3CION BLACK3263.2550
4CION ORANGE3258.635
5Grey Matter Esports2368.2520
6CION GOLD2363.2520
7Dark Matter Gaming146020

Xbox Ranks

Note #1: Points earned by each team, divided by each category, will be displayed here.
Note #2: Division placing will be awarded based on each team’s final ranking. Ranks 1-8 will earn a spot in Division 1, 9-18 will earn a spot in Division 2, 19-27 will earn a spot in Division 3.

RankTeamQualifiers PlayedWinsLossesOW% AVGPoints
3Turning Point311461.73333333185
5SkyFall Gaming 2.026461.385
9Mexican Aztecs22855.42530


FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

  • What game mode are the qualifiers played on?
    • The qualifiers are played only on 4v4 Rush. The 8v8 South American events will not have qualifiers.
  • My team played in Season 3 (5v5 Squad Conquest). Do we automatically qualify?
    • No, as we are introducing a new game mode and format to Season 4 with 4v4 Rush, every team will have to play through qualifiers if they wish to participate.
  • Will I need to play all the qualifier events?
    • For Season 4, teams aren’t required to play all three qualifiers. We do, however, recommend playing in all three if your team wishes to qualify for Division 1.
  • Can we change the roster between qualifiers?
    • Rosters may be changed between each qualifier. However, a certain number of players must remain the same between both qualifiers. A reminder that players may only attempt to qualify with one team in each category (4v4) as per qualifier rules.
      • For 4v4: 3 Players must remain the same between each qualifier
  • Can we change the roster between qualifiers and Season 4?
    • At least 4 of the players used throughout qualifiers #1-#3 must be present on your final roster to participate in Season 4.
  • What is the roster size for this event?
    • Roster sizes for qualifiers are:
      • 4v4: 5 Players (4 Starters and 1 Substitute)
  • When is the registration deadline?
    • The registration for each Qualifier closes 1 hour before each qualifier starts, as detailed in the “Schedule” tab on each event page on Battlefy.
  • My team had to abandon one of the qualifiers. Can we still play in the remaining ones?
    • Your team will be able to play in all the qualifiers even if they had to abandon one of them.
      • Note: Teams that receive a DNF (Did Not Finish) at the end of a qualifier will not gain any qualifying points.
  • I played qualifier #1 with one team. Can I change team for qualifier #2 or #3?
    • No, players may only attempt to qualify with 1 team throughout all 3 qualifiers.
      • This effectively means that if you play qualifier #1 with Team A, you may not play qualifier #2 with Team B and vice-versa.
  • How many points can my team earn in each qualifier?
    • Teams earn qualifying points for Season 4, based on how they perform one each qualifier:
      • 1st100pts
      • 2nd75pts
      • 3rd50pts
      • 4th35pts
      • 5th-8th20pts
      • 9th-16th10pts
      • 17th-32nd5pts
      • 33rd-64th2pts
  • How many teams are required for a qualifier to launch?
    • For the first qualifier, a minimum of 8 teams is required for it to launch.
    • For the second and third qualifiers, a minimum of 4 teams is required for them to launch.
  • I don’t have a team. Can I still play in the qualifiers?
    • Unfortunately, no, this is a team-based event, and you will need a team of at least 4 players to participate.
  • My team has the same total qualifier points as another team, how does it work?
    • For the combined standings, if the total qualifier points are the same, here are the tie-breakers:
      • #1 Total Wins
      • #2 OW% Avg.

  • What game modes are offered in Season 4?
    • 4v4 Rush and 8v8 Squad Conquest will be the two game modes offered in Season 4.
  • Will the league be hosted on Battlefy?
  • How many divisions will there be? How many teams per Division?
    • There will be a maximum of 3 Divisions per category on each platform/region (4v4/8v8), each made up of 8 teams.
  • My platform/region/game mode combination didn’t reach 8 teams; what will happen?
    • A total of 8 teams that finish the qualifiers for each platform/region/game mode combination will be required for a division to launch.
      • If a platform/region/game mode doesn’t reach at least 8 teams in the first Qualifier, it may be canceled due to a presumed lack of interest.
  • Is ESB League BFV Season 4 prized?
    • There are prizes for our European PlayStation event in Season 4. You can find the detailed list in the “Information” section of this article.
  • What about prizes for other regions and platforms?
    • Unfortunately, other regions and platforms don’t have prizes for Season 4.
  • What is the roster size for this event?
    • Roster sizes for Season 4 are as follows:
      • 4v4: 8 Players
      • 8v8: 20 Players
  • My team would like to add a player(s) that didn’t play in the qualifiers to our team, can we?
    • Yes, your team can add players that didn’t play in the qualifiers to your team.
  • My team would like to add a player(s) that played with another team in the qualifiers to our team, can we?
    • Yes, as long as the team they attempted to qualify with didn’t qualify for Season 4.
      • If the team did qualify, they have to wait until Week 3 of Season 4 before they can be added to your roster.
  • My team would like to change players once Season 4 starts, can we?
    • Yes, teams are able to make a limited amount of changes prior to the Roster Lock on Monday, April 12th, 2021.
  • How many times can I change teams during Season 4?
    • Players may only switch teams once during the season and before the Roster lock on Monday, April 12th, 2021.
  • When does Season 4 start?
    • Season 4 officially launches on Monday, March 22nd, 2021, and ends on Sunday, May 16th, 2021.
  • My team qualified for Season 4; when can I see the match schedule?
    • The Season 4 match schedule will be published at the start of the season, on Monday, March 22nd, 2021.

  • I’m playing BFV on a PS5, can I still play if it says PS4?
    • Yes, you can. There are no restrictions on what PlayStation console you must use to play the game. The game is still the PS4 version of the game, no matter what PlayStation console you launch it from.
  • I’m playing BFV on an XSX, can I still play if it says XB1?
    • Yes, you can. There are no restrictions on what Xbox console you must use to play the game. The game is still the XB1 version of the game, no matter what Xbox console you launch it from.
  • My team has players that are out-of-region for 4v4s; can they still play?
    • No, all our 4v4 events are heavily region-locked. All players must follow the eligibility requirements detailed in Section “10. Eligibility” of the rules of each qualifier.
      • Teams found breaking this rule or trying to circumvent it will be disqualified immediately.
  • Is there an age requirement for the PlayStation European event in Season 4?
    • Yes, there is. All players must be over the age of 18 as of the start date of the qualifier they wish to compete in to be considered eligible to play.
      • Alternatively, players that don’t play in the qualifiers but wish to join a qualified team after must be over the age of 18 as of Monday, March 15th, 2021.
  • Is there an age requirement for the other non-prized events in Season 4?
    • No, there isn’t a minimum age requirement in any non-prized event.
  • Are there any extra requirements for the PlayStation European event in Season 4?
    • Yes, players that will compete in Division 1 will need to get ESB Verified to be considered eligible to play.



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