Xbox One ALL-STAR Picks

Seeing as the Xbox One 5v5 scene has recently been booming, the only way to make this fair was to give teams that placed at the top of recent events the chance to have 1 player represent them in the ESB ALL-STARS event. Below you will find the list of teams we extended an invitation to, the players they all picked to represent them, and their placements in recent events.

At the end of the article there is a small box where you can vote for your favorite 5v5 Players who didn’t get selected by any of the teams below. Make sure you type their exact XBL Gamer Tag or your vote will not count. Please note that only former or active 5v5 players may be voted in, conquest only players who are voted in will not be allowed to participate.

8 of the invited teams accepted an invitation to have 1 of their players represent them in the event, this leaves 12 possible slots open for players to be voted in through community voting.

Community Voting ends on March 4th. Help us spread the word!

Find out more about the ESB ALLSTARS event HERE


Represented by: dzs pEpE

  • #1 ESL 5v5 Domination Weekly Cup #3
  • Quarter Finalist ESL 5v5 Domination Weekly Cup #1
  • Quarter Finalist ESL 5v5 Defuse Cup #1
  • #4 G4G Back to BF4 #2

Signature Gaming

Represented by:  Ayver

  • #2 ESL 5v5 Domination Cup #1
  • #2 ESL 5v5 Domination Weekly Cup #1

Aequitas Veritas

Represented by:  AV Elessar

  • Quarter Finalist ESL 5v5 Domination Weekly Cup #3

The Elite 5

Represented by:  Fluffalufugas

  • #1 ESL 5v5 Domination Weekly Cup #1
  • Quarter Finalist ESL 5v5 Domination Cup #1

Next Gaming

Represented by: NxG S t e X

  • #1 ESL 5v5 Defuse Cup #1

eXploit e-Sports

Represented by:  nXs Diego

  • #2 G4G Back to BF4 #2


Represented by: xl ViTAL Ix

  • Quarter Finalists ESL 5v5 Domination Weekly Cup #1

iConic Gaming

Represented by: aoX CHINEY

  • #1 Level Battlefield 5v5 Defuse
  • #1 Level Omega 5v5 Domination

Teams that didn’t reply or declined their invitation: Divinity “Helios”, BH3, Dynamics, Unity Esports, Team Papy


Total Votes: 99

  1. dzs Euphorik – 15 Votes
  2. nVz NeoM – 9 Votes
  3. TR v Pants – 5 Votes
  4. vlHEISENBERGlv – 5 Votes
  5. SLP Prizz – 4 Votes
  6. Numinous Matt – 3 Votes
  7. MarcoBaws – 2 Votes
  8. Hyper Fector – 2 Votes
  9. hoss moss – 2 Votes
  10. Divinity MyThiK – 2 Votes
  11. Boost OP – 2 Votes
  12. SiN Priiest – 1 Vote


  1. N/A
  2. N/A

Every other player received 1 votes. Thanks to everyone who voted!


Team A:

  1. nVz NeoM
  2. SiN Priiest
  4. Fluffalufugas
  5. MarcoBaws

Team B:

  1. SLP Prizz
  2. TR v Pants
  3. Numinous Matt
  4. dzs Euphorik
  5. xl ViTAL Ix

Team C:

  1. Hyper Fector
  2. dzs pEpE
  3. NxG S t e X
  4. hoss moss
  5. aoX CHINEY

Team D:

  1. Ayver
  2. Divinity MyThiK
  3. AV Elessar
  4. Boost OP
  5. nXs Diego

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