ESB Hardline Council #1 – Discussing Game Modes and Rules


ESB Hardline Council #1 – Discussing Game Modes and Rules

During this first Hardline Council we will be discussing a variety of topics, designed to give us initial ideas regarding what needs to be looked at, and how a Hardline ESB Ruleset would start to look like. We would like to invited all Xbox One and PlayStation 4 competitive teams to participate.

  • What Weapons/Gadgets should be restricted?

We’ve already had many suggestions, battlepack weapons being banned (Deluxe Edition Items), DLC (Like in BF4), high damage output weapons such as the AKM or certain enforcer weapons, high ROF weapons such as the K10, the idea of having an M16/416 promod scene only.

We’ve been listening but want to know more, what weapons and gadgets would you like to see banned?

  • Which game modes and formats should be played?

The eSport labeled game modes out of the box are Rescue and Crosshair, some like only one, some like both, some neither. There are still a lot of ideas about other modes that could fit the 5v5 scene such as Heist, Conquest Small and some even say Blood Money.

Should we go for a Rescue/Conquest Small/Rescue BO3 rotation similar to what we did in Battlefield 4 with Domination/Defuse and Domination/Obliteration. Should we go single game modes? or 3 Game modes per match: Rescue/Conquest Small/Heist?

How does the 15v15 Conquest scene from Battlefield 4 translate over to Hardline? Is it time to go the 8v8/10v10 way on console as well seeing how the current maps are set up?

Come with your ideas and let us know what you think should be tested out first as soon as servers drop for consoles.

  • Should certain areas of maps be off limits?

The main items that come up in these discussions are rooftops. Certain rooftops have stairs which lead up to them, some have ladders only, some have both, and some neither. Which ones should be banned and which ones should be allowed? Does the grappling hook remove some of the existing roof problems? Are there any other areas of specific maps that you believe should be restricted? Come let us know.


The meeting will be held on Saturday March 28th at 4pm EDT / 9pm CET.

Click HERE to find out the exact meeting time in your location.


This ESB Council is open to all active competitive Xbox One and PlayStation 4 teams. Each Team will be allowed 1 to send one fix representative to each council. This means hundreds of teams are eligible to attend.

The ESB Councils happen over TeamSpeak 3 (Download Link Here). You may find the official ESB TS3 adress in our website footer.

Every team who wishes to attend must fill in and submit the form below. A confirmation email will be sent to you within 24 hours of signing-up.

Please make sure that you name on TeamSpeak3 matches your battlelog name when you join our server or you will not be moved to the correct channel for the meeting.

For this meeting 28 slots will be available for teams (14 for X1 and 14 for PS4), and we will give the actively competing teams priority over inactive ones. Confirmation emails will be sent to each team applying once they are confirmed.


ESB Council Hardline #1 – Règles et Modes de Jeux eSport

Pendant ce premier ESB Council sur Hardline, nous alons affronter plusieurs sujets qui ont pour but de nous donner une première idée sur les modes de jeux au-quels la communauté aimerait jouer, et commencer a donner une forme au règles officielles ESB pour Hardline.

Nous voulons convier toutes les équipes Xbox One et PlayStation 4 à participer.

Les sujets pour la réunion sont:

  • Quelles Armes et Gadgets doivent être interdit?
  • Quelles Modes de Jeu et formats aimeriez-vous jouer?
  • Est-ce que certaines parties des cartes doivent être interdites?

quand se deroulera la reunion

La réunion sera tenue le samedi 28 mars à 16h EDT / 21h CET (Paris).

Cliquez ICI pour trouver l’heure exacte de la réunion par rapport à votre localisation.

comment mon equipe peut y participer

Ce ESB Council est ouvert à toutes les équipes actives sur Xbox One et PlayStation 4. Chaque équipe aura le droit de nommer un représentant pour chaque ESB Council. Cela signifie que des centaines d’équipes sont autorisées à y participer.

Les ESB Council se déroulent sur TeamSpeak (Lien de Telechargement). Vous pouvez trouver l’adresse officielle du TS3 de ESB dans le pied de page de notre site.

Chaque équipe qui désire participer à la réunion doit remplir et soumettre le formulaire ci-dessous. Un email de confirmation vous sera envoyé dans les 24 heures.

S’il-vous-plait, vérifiez que votre nom sur TeamSpeak3 correspond au nom de votre Battlelog quand vous rejoignez notre serveur ou vous ne serez pas déplacé dans la bonne chaîne pour le meeting.


Confirmed Teams

PlayStation 4

  1. Devoured by EnVy
  2. BullsEYE
  3. Alpha Rangers
  4. ExtenSy eSports
  5. Show No Mercy
  6. ProNation
  7. VETERAN of GaminG
  8. NeXus.ATk
  9. devastatioN
  10. ViCiOuZ Renegadez
  11. eXiLe Gaming
  12. Sceptos Gaming
  14. Mad Company 2

Xbox One

  1. dzs.Battlefield
  2. 1Nation
  3. Huracan
  5. NextGaming DOGMA
  6. Aura eSport
  7. SensoriA.pAiN_eSport
  8. GalaXy
  9. Lacrosste e-Gaming
  10. Unity Gaming
  11. InFamouS.BFH
  12. XGS eSports e.V.
  13. Task Force Spartan
  14. illuminati

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