
Latest Past Events

ESB 2042 Council #2 – Finalizing the 4v4 ESB Flashpoint Ruleset

What is the Council? The ESB Council is a periodical group voice meeting with team leaders to discuss and vote on significant changes to our rulesets. We will introduce various essential topics throughout the meeting and ensure they are appropriately and constructively discussed with everyone involved. We want teams to make informed decisions when voting […]

4v4 ESB Flashpoint – Test Cup #3

PS5/XSX Sign-ups:–-4v4-esb-flashpoint-euna-test-cup-3/640f61e11cc9e972b3fbcb32/info PC Sign-ups:–-4v4-esb-flashpoint-euna-test-cup-3/640f62f43e5da74b20d21f62/info

4v4 ESB Flashpoint – Test Cup #2

PS5/XSX Sign-ups:–-4v4-esb-flashpoint-euna-test-cup-2/6405eea901a9f302958726de/info PC Sign-ups:–-4v4-esb-flashpoint-euna-test-cup-2/64061e003e0bbd1f08e14bfa/info

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