ESB Hardline Council #3 – Conquest Rules 10v10+


ESB Hardline Council #3 – Conquest Rules 10v10+

During this third ESB Council we would like to look at the Conquest Small/Large 10v10-15v15 competitive scene. Since servers have released, teams have been competing in a range of different team sizes, from 10v10 & 12v12 on Conquest Small, to 15v15 on Conquest Large. To begin, we’d like to know what the majority of the teams prefer, and have a constructive discussion with the active teams in order to see what format will work better for the Conquest scene on Hardline.

We’d also like to discuss and vote on a first draft of rules. So make sure you bring a list of items you believe should be banned, and why. This will allow us to have a constructive discussion on what teams believe should and shouldn’t be in the rules.

As a third and last topic for this Council, we’d like to discuss with teams what tournament formats they would like to see on Hardline for the Conquest scene. Some teams have asked us to bring back our ESB League, let us know your ideas so we can plan our events accordingly.


The meeting will be held on Saturday May 30th at 1pm EDT / 7pm CEST.

Click HERE to find out the exact meeting time in your location.


This ESB Council is open to all active competitive Xbox One and PlayStation 4 teams. Each Team will be allowed 1 to send one fix representative to each council. This means hundreds of teams are eligible to attend.

The ESB Councils happen over TeamSpeak 3 (Download Link Here). You may find the official ESB TS3 adress in our website footer (

Every team who wishes to attend must fill in and submit the form below (No Exceptions). A confirmation email will be sent to you within 24-48 hours of signing-up.

Please make sure that you name on TeamSpeak3 matches your battlelog name when you join our server or you will not be moved to the correct channel for the meeting.

For this meeting 28 slots will be available for teams (14 for X1 and 14 for PS4), and we will give the actively competing teams priority over inactive ones. Confirmation emails will be sent to each team applying once their participation is confirmed.

Confirmed Teams

PlayStation 4

  1. VeNoM
  2. SnM
  3. NeXusEXP Legacy
  4. Sceptos.SunStorm
  5. RedSun
  6. EMPTY
  7. EMPTY
  8. EMPTY
  9. EMPTY
  10. EMPTY
  11. EMPTY
  12. EMPTY
  13. EMPTY
  14. EMPTY

Xbox One

  1. EMPTY
  2. EMPTY
  3. EMPTY
  4. EMPTY
  5. EMPTY
  6. EMPTY
  7. EMPTY
  8. EMPTY
  9. EMPTY
  10. EMPTY
  11. EMPTY
  12. EMPTY
  13. EMPTY
  14. EMPTY