Battlefield 2042 – 4v4 Rush

ESB rules are developed together with some of the top Battlefield teams that are active in our events. With Battlefield 2042 changing regularly, we’ll make sure to keep our rules updated regularly to reflect any changes.

IMPORTANT: Please note that this ruleset is still work-in-progress. There will likely be changes to it over the coming months as we start testing it on a larger scale. Don’t forget to provide your feedback through our Discord and to check the changelog regularly to see what has changed.


Version 1.21 – 05/01/2022

Section 1.2 Banned Items updated
  • The Insertion Beacon is now banned.
  • The MP9 “Close Combat / Extended” mag is now banned.
    • This is the 40 bullet magazine. You can still use the regular Close Combat mag.
Version 1.20 – 01/01/2022
Map Pool Updated
  • Maps Added:
    • Valparaiso
    • Arica Harbor
  • Maps Removed:
    • Orbital
    • Discarded
Renewal & Manifest are now 3 Sector maps
  • Both first sectors (Sector A) on Renewal and Manifest are now skipped.
    • Section 2.2 Played Sectors and 2.3 Map Pool have been updated to reflect these changes.
Added Section 1.5 Roofs & Areas
  • New Roofs and Areas are now banned. Detailed pictures have been added to highlight these Roofs & Areas in red.
    • Section 1.5 Penalties has now been renamed to Section 1.6 Penalties.
Increased the Player Respawn Timer
  • Soldier Redeploy Delay Multiplier changed from 1.5 to 2.5
    • This means respawning now takes 15 seconds instead of 9.
Sundance Anti-Armor Grenades Enabled
  • You can now use both EMP Field and Anti-Armor ammunition on Sundance’s Grenade Belt.
M5A3 Shortened Barrel is now banned
Insertion Beacons are now allowed
Anti-Tank Mines now banned
  • Anti-Tank Mines have been added to Section 1.2 Banned Items
PKP-BP now banned
  • The PKP-BP LMG is now banned.
Section 4.2 Tie-Breakers updated
  • Tie-Breaker #2 Armed Objectives has been correctly renamed to Destroyed objectives.
  • Added an extra Tie-Breaker called Armed Objectives
Section 1.4 Glitches updated
  • We have added new known glitches to the list.
Section 3.3 4v4 Rush Experience Codes updated
  • The majority of codes have remained the same, however, there are new Bo2 codes and some featuring Orbital and Discarded have been updated with Valparaiso and Arica Harbor respectively.
Version 1.11 – 10/12/2021
Section 3.3 4v4 Rush Experience Codes updated
  • Added missing Noshahr Bo2 codes.
  • Added the following join codes for Arica Harbor and Valparaiso even if they are currently out of the map pool.
    • Valparaiso
    • Arica Harbor
    • Arica Harbor / Valparaiso
    • Noshahr Canals / Valparaiso
    • Noshahr Canals / Arica Harbor
Version 1.10 – 06/12/2021
Section 1.1 Specialist Overview updated
  • Mackay is now playable
  • The DC-2 DEPLOYABLE COVER from Irish is now banned (The APS-36 SHOOTDOWN SENTINEL is still allowed).
Section 1.2 Banned Items updated
  • The K30 (SMG) is now banned.
  • The AC-42 (Assault Rifle) is now banned.
  • All Drum Magazines are now banned
  • Transport Vehicles (Quad Bikes) are now allowed.
  • Reinforcements correctly renamed to Vehicle Call-Ins.
  • Temporarily added Underbarrel Smokes to the banned items list until a game-breaking glitch is fixed.
Section 1.3 Roofs & Areas
  • This section has been removed. All roofs and areas are now allowed.
New Section 1.3 Restricted Items
  • The Recoilless M5 (Rocket Launcher) is now limited to 1 maximum per team.
New Section 1.4 Glitches
  • Added the Irish gadgets glitch (with examples) as a Known Glitch
Section 1.5 Penalties Updated
  • Added penalties for violating Known Glitches.
Portal Modifiers Changes:
  • Squad Revive has been turned ON.
Section 2.3 Map Pool updated

Maps removed from the Map Pool:

  • Arica Harbor (4 played sectors)
  • Valparaiso (4 played sectors)

Maps added to the Map Pool:

  • Renewal (4 sectors)
  • Orbital (4 sectors)
  • Manifest (4 sectors)
  • Breakway (4 sectors)
  • Discarded (4 sectors)
Section 2.2 Played Sectors updated
  • Changed attacking and defending restrictions for Sector A on both Discarded and Noshahr.
Added Section 2.4 Map Penalties
  • Added penalties for violations of the Played Sectors restrictions.
Section 3.3 4v4 Rush Experience Codes updated
  • Added Bo1, Bo2, and some extra experience codes for the new Map Pool.
Section 4.2 Tie-Breakers updated
  • Added an extra tie-breaker to use in the event of teams breaking rules throughout a match.
Version 1.02 – 28/11/2021
Added missing gadget ban from Section 1.2 Banned Items:
  • IBA Armor Plate
Added Section 3.4 Aim Assist Options:
  • This section explains the Aim Assist options in 2042 and which ones are turned ON/OFF in our experience codes.
Added Text to Section 3.1 Server Hosting:
  • Added Burn Round suggestions to avoid time-wasting in matches. This should help teams reduce time issues while they play.
Version 1.01 – 26/11/2021
Added missing text from Section 1.1:
  • Specialists are limited to 1 per team.
Added comments to Section 1.1:
  • “Mackay is only banned in Test Cup #1 and will be unbanned in Test Cup #2 as we want to test how he affects match flow. The grappling hook has caused some interesting issues in the games we tested, but we’ll see how the Test Cups play out. Please read the announcement article for more insights on the testing process”
Version 1.00 – 22/11/2021

The first version of our 4v4 Rush ruleset was released.

IMPORTANT: The “Restart Map” & “Next Map” features are currently bugged. Please don’t use them or your server will randomly restart/change the map while you play (at random intervals) and the server remains active. If you need to restart a map, please just burn through it again.

1.0 Restrictions (Not Allowed)


  • All sectors must be played with a B-A order. This means that you may not arm/destroy the A objective until you have first destroyed the B objective in that same sector.


Specialists are limited to 1 per team.


  • OV-P RECON DRONE (Casper)
    • Yes, you can still use the APS-36 SHOOTDOWN SENTINEL.



  • K30 (SMG)
  • AC-42 (Assault Rifle)
  • PKP-B9 (LMG)
  • NTW-50 (Bolt Action Rifle)
  • GVT 45-70 (Lever Action Rifle)
  • All DMRS
  • All Shotguns


  • Prox Sensor


  • All Drum Magazines
  • GRENADE BELT Scatter (Sundance)
  • M5A3 Shortened Barrel
  • MP9 “Close Combat / Extended”
    • (This is the 40 bullet mag. The regular Close Combat mag is allowed)
  • All UNDERBARREL Weapons with these ammo types:
    • Armor Piercing (AP)
    • High-Explosive (HE)
    • Incendiary
    • Frag
    • Masterkey
    • Smokes
      • Temporary ban until a game-breaking glitch is fixed.


  • OV-P Recon Drone (Casper)
  • C5 Explosives
  • Anti-Tank Mines
  • IBA Armor Plate
  • FXM-33 AA Missile
  • Insertion Beacon


  • All combat vehicles are banned.
    • Quad Bikes (Polaris Sportsman) are considered a transport vehicle and are allowed.


  • The use of Vehicle Call-Ins is banned.


  • The Recoilless M5 (Rocket Launcher) is limited to 1 maximum per team.


We ask teams to refrain from abusing known glitches to get an advantage in matches.

Known Glitches:

  • A glitch has appeared with Irish‘s gadgets. Both his DC-2 Deployable Cover and APS-36 Shootdown Sentinel, if placed on an objective (bomb), don’t allow the enemy team to arm the objective until the gadget is destroyed (and vice-versa for disarming). Make sure you don’t place either of these gadgets on the objectives.
    • Note: A reminder that the DC-2 Deployable Cover is banned.
  • Mackay’s Grappling Hook is able to attach itself to non-solid objects such as the smoke from Smoke Grenades.
  • Weapons that are dropped (as a result of dying or redeploying) onto an objective (bomb) have the possibility of not allowing the arming/disarming of the objective. Make sure you don’t redeploy or team-kill your teammates while standing on or in contact with objectives.
  • Arming objectives before a sector opens (and therefore out of the current combat area) is prohibited.

Due to the different nature of other glitches not listed above, each case will be reviewed individually.


The following Roofs & Areas highlighted in red are banned. This means that you may not walk/crouch/crawl/glitch/jump/climb/fly/grapple onto them in any way.
(Click the buttons below to expand each section and see the images.)

Noshar Canals
Arica Harbor



  • If a team violates a Banned Specialist Gadgets restriction, the following penalties apply:
    • A 1 objective penalty (per infraction) will be applied for every time the item was used.
  • If a team violates a Restricted Items restriction, the following penalties apply:
    • A 1 objective penalty (per infraction) will be applied for every time the extra item was used.
    • A 2 objective penalty will be applied per kill obtained with the extra item.
  • If a team violates a Known Glitches restriction, they forfeit the sector in which the infraction occurred and all remaining sectors of the round they are playing.
  • If a team violates a Roofs & Areas restriction, the following penalties apply:
    • A 1 objective penalty (per infraction) will be applied if one or more players are caught inside one of the restricted areas.
    • A 2 objective penalty will be applied per kill obtained while being in a restricted area.
  • If a team violates the B-A objective arming/destroy order, they forfeit the sector in which the infraction occurred and all remaining sectors of the attacking round they are playing.
    • A reminder: All sectors must be played with a B-A order. This means that you may not arm/destroy the A objective until you have first destroyed the B objective in that same sector.
  • Teams are required to report and provide proof of any rule infraction(s) at the end of the map in which the infraction occurred. Failure to do so can possibly void any penalty for the opposing team.

Note #1: For scoring purposes, every 2 Objective penalties = 1 Sector penalty at the end of each map.
Note #2: There are no listed penalties for the items listed in Section 1.2 because these items are already banned inside the game in each Portal experience we created, and therefore can’t be equipped/used.

2.0 Maps


All sectors feature two objectives that need to be destroyed, A and B. Teams must play all sectors in a B-A order.

This means that you may not arm/destroy the A objective until you have first destroyed the B objective in that same sector.


For Breakway play all sectors normally.

For Renewal, Manifest, Noshahr Canals, Valparaiso, and Arica Harbor the Sector A (first sector) on each map is banned/not played:

  • The Defending team is required to let the Attacking team destroy both Sector A objectives.
  • Both teams may not kill each other until Sector B (second sector) opens.


  • Renewal (3 played sectors)
  • Manifest (3 played sectors)
  • Breakaway (4 sectors)
  • Noshahr Canals (4 played sectors)
  • Valparaiso (4 played sectors)
  • Arica Harbor (4 played sectors)


  • If a team violates the B-A objective arming/destroy order, they forfeit the sector in which the infraction occurred and all remaining sectors of the attacking round they are playing.
    • A reminder: All sectors must be played with a B-A order. This means that you may not arm/destroy the A objective until you have first destroyed the B objective in that same sector.
  • If a team violated a Played Sectors restriction, the following penalties apply:
    • 1 Kill = A 2-minute penalty on the total time left (for the purpose of Tie-Breaker #2 in Section 4.2 Tie-Breakers).
    • 2 Kills = A 1 sector penalty for every 2 Kills.
  • Teams are required to report and provide proof of any rule infraction(s) at the end of the map in which the infraction occurred. Failure to do so can possibly void any penalty for the opposing team.

3.0 Server Settings


The player (and their squad) that creates the server will always be placed on the attacking team. Teams never switch, so you will keep being an attacker for every single map in the rotation.

Please join the server as a squad, so it puts you all on the same team without any issues. Joining individually will assign players in an ABABABAB order and isn’t practical.

If you are playing a Bo1, each team will have to host the attacking side. For Bo2/Bo3, we suggest having one team play all the attacking sides first and then switch servers.

Burn round suggestions to avoid time-wasting:

  • Best of 1 Matches:
    • Use the join code for the map you are playing.
    • As soon as you create the server, send the opposing team the server name/password and start arming all the objectives in every sector except for the last one.
    • Arm the last 2 objectives once the opposing team has joined the server.
    • Burning through a map this way should only take 6-7 minutes if you arm objectives together for each sector.
  • Best of 2/3 Matches:
    • Use the join code with the map you are playing first as the second map and your second map as the third map.
      • Example: If you are supposed to be playing Noshahr Canals / Arica Harbor / Valparaiso, use join code aajkmu (Valparaiso / Nosharh Canals / Arica Harbor:).
      • You burn through Valparaiso and then play your maps in the correct order.
    • As soon as you create the server, send the opposing team the server name/password and start arming all the objectives in every sector except for the last one.
    • Arm the last 2 objectives once the opposing team has joined the server.
    • Burning through a map this way should only take 6-7 minutes if you arm objectives together for each sector.


Every server MUST be password protected. We recommend that teams change their server password before every match to avoid people keeping track of old passwords and joining as possible players.

To access Experience Hosting, press: Play > Battlefield Portal > Host > Experience Code

The game will then ask you to provide:

Server Details:

  • Name: ESB Match
  • Description: –

Server Settings:

  • Welcome Message: –
  • Password: ON

Once you are done entering the above information, press “Host Server.”

Note: The server region is based on the location of the player hosting the server. When server quotas are full in a specific region, it will host the server in another region.


Best of 1:

  1. Renewal: aapa3p
  2. Manifest: aapa3w
  3. Breakaway: aapa3x
  4. Noshahr Canals: aapa3z
  5. Valparaiso: aaprs5
  6. Arica Harbor: aaprs4

Best of 2:

  1. Renewal / Manifest: aapcs8
  2. Renewal / Breakaway: aapcs9
  3. Renewal / Noshahr Canals: aapctb
  4. Renewal / Arica Harbor: aapcsv
  5. Renewal / Valparaiso: aapcta
  6. Manifest / Breakaway: aapcwp
  7. Manifest / Noshahr Canals: aapcwr
  8. Manifest / Renewal: aapcws
  9. Manifest / Arica Harbor: aapcwn
  10. Manifest / Valparaiso: aapcwq
  11. Breakaway / Manifest: aapcya
  12. Breakaway / Noshahr Canals: aapcye
  13. Breakaway / Renewal: aapcyf
  14. Breakaway / Arica Harbor: aapcyc
  15. Breakaway / Valparaiso: aapcx8
  16. Noshahr Canals / Manifest: aaprsa
  17. Noshahr Canals / Breakway: aaprr9
  18. Noshahr Canals / Renewal: aaprr7
  19. Noshahr Canals / Valparaiso: aaprs1
  20. Noshahr Canals / Arica Harbor: aaprsy
  21. Arica Harbor / Renewal: aapcz1
  22. Arica Harbor / Manifest: aapczx
  23. Arica Harbor / Breakaway: aapczy
  24. Arica Harbor / Noshahr Canals: aapczz
  25. Arica Harbor / Valparaiso: aaprs3
  26. Valparaiso / Renewal: aapcue
  27. Valparaiso / Manifest: aapcua
  28. Valparaiso / Breakaway: aapcub
  29. Valparaiso / Noshahr Canals: aapcud
  30. Valparaiso / Arica Harbor: aapcuc


  1. All Maps Order 1: aapcur
    • Renewal, Manifest, Breakaway, Noshahr Canals, Arica Harbor, Valparaiso
  2. All Maps Order 2: aapcuq
    • Valparaiso, Arica Harbor, Noshahr Canals, Breakaway, Manifest, Renewal
  3. Orbital: aapa3v
  4. Discarded: aapa3y


In Battlefield 2042, there are 2 Aim Assist options in the game:

  • Aim Assist (former Slow-Down):
    • Controls whether Aim Assist is allowed for players using the Aim Assist option. When this is set to OFF, the crosshair will not adjust its speed when tracking over an enemy player.
  • Aim Assist Zoom Snap (former Auto-Rotation):
    • Controls whether Snap-to-target is used for Aim Assisted players. When this is set to OFF, the crosshair will not snap to a nearby target when entering ADS.

For all of our events, and in all our experience codes, the Aim Assist option is turned ON and the Aim Assist Zoom Snap is turned OFF.

4.0 Scoring


Each map is composed of two rounds (sides). Each team gets to play as both the attacker and the defender on each map.

Scoring is based on overall sectors. The team with the highest amount of sectors won at the end of both rounds wins the map.

All sectors must be played in a B-A order. This means that you may not arm/destroy the A objective until you have first destroyed the B objective in that same sector.


If sectors are tied at the end of the map, here are the tie-breakers:

  • #1 – Penalties: If the sectors are tied due to one of the teams receiving one or more penalties (Sections 1.6 or 2.4), the team with no penalties wins the map.
    • If both teams received one or more penalties, or if neither team received any penalties, move on to tie-breaker #2.
  • #2 – Destroyed Objectives: Each sector is made up of 2 Objectives. Teams will compare the number of objectives destroyed by each team. The team with the most destroyed objectives wins the map.
  • #3 – Armed Objectives:
    • If both teams destroyed all objectives on the map, move on to Tie-Breaker #4.
      • Example: both teams destroy all 4 sectors on Breakaway.
    • If the tie is a result of at least 1 incomplete sector, the following applied:
      • If Destroyed Objectives are tied as well, the team that armed the last non-destroyed objective more times wins. (Example: Team A and B both destroyed 3 sectors and 1 objective on the last sector, both destroying B. This means that the team that armed objective A more times in the last sector wins the map.)
    • A reminder to teams that you will need to manually keep track of these throughout your match.
  • #4 – Time left: If Armed Objectives are tied as well, compare the round time left while playing as the attackers. The team with the most time left wins the map.
  • #5 – Tickets left on Final Sector: If Time Left is tied as well, compare the tickets left on the final sector while playing as the attackers. The team with the most tickets left wins the map.

Note: Tie-breakers #3, #4 & #5 are for Best of 1 events only. For Best of 2, 3, and 5 events, Maps can result in a tie.

5.0 Game Mode Information

  • Maximum Players: 8
  • Round Duration: 35 minutes
  • Tickets per Sector: 32
  • Player Respawn Timer: 15 seconds
  • Squad Revive: ON