BFV Squad Conquest – More Test Cups on all platforms!


Squad Conquest was going to be removed from Battlefield V on Thursday January 31st, until it wasn’t. DICE and EA saw the amount of support coming in from the community for the game mode, and gave us two extra weeks to play it. They listened, and so did we. Our first Squad Conquest Test Cup on PlayStation 4 was a great success, bringing in meaningful numbers that clearly showed everyone that the Battlefield esports community is still here and won’t give up. We are now proud to announce our second PlayStation 4 Test Cup and our first ones on both PC and Xbox One!

The Test Cups will take place over 2 days, starting on Saturday, February 9th and finishing on Sunday, February 10th (visit the schedule tab for more detailed information). Each team will play a total of 4 games over the weekend in a swiss style bracket. This will allow every team participating to continue testing the game mode and form their own opinions on what they believe works and what doesn’t.

This past Sunday, we hosted our first Battlefield V ESB Council where team leaders came together to discuss and vote on the first version of our 8v8 ruleset. The complete ruleset can be found here and will be used for the entire PS4 Cup. However, on both Xbox One and PC, we want to give teams the chance to go through the same process as teams did on PS4.

Therefore with the Cup split over 2 days, PC and Xbox One teams will get a chance to experience the Squad Conquest in 2 different ways. On the Saturday, teams will be allowed to use anything that’s in the game, therefore no rules! This will allow both the veteran teams to prove any point they wish to make (about weapons/gadgets that may be overpowered) and new teams to both understand these points and experience the game as it is. On the Sunday, we will be using the newly made BFV 8v8 Ruleset in order to make the game more competitive while providing a different experience to all teams participating. We hope that this leads to plenty of feedback and talking points for the next ESB Council.

Xbox One and PC Teams that take part in this Cup will be invited to participate in our second Battlefield V ESB Council to both provide feedback on the game-mode and discuss the current Squad Conquest ESB Ruleset that has been created, and any changes they feel should be made to it.

Our casters will also be live-casting as many games as they can on our Twitch Channel (, and therefore look forward to bringing you some more competitive Squad Conquest this upcoming weekend. The full stream schedule will be published on our social media as we get closer to the weekend.

We hope to see you all either competing or watching!

If you wish to know more about the game mode, visit:



Note #1: Each Cup has a Swiss Style Bracket, meaning each team will have 4 matches to play regardless of how many they Win/Lose.
Note #2: The Test Cup will be hosted on Battlefy, however the tournament page won’t be visible until sign-ups open.

  • Sign-ups OPEN on Tuesday, February 5th at 1:00am ET / 07:00am CET
  • Sign-ups CLOSE on Saturday, February 9th at 6:00am ET / 12:00pm CET
  • Matches 1-2 on Saturday, February 9th starting at 1:30pm ET / 7:30pm CET
  • Matches 3-4 on Sunday, February 10th starting at 1:30pm ET / 7:30pm CET
  • ESB Council #1 for Xbox and PC teams on Sunday, February 18th starting at 3:00pm ET / 9:0pm CET

Tournament Pages:



Battlefy – Team Creation


Battlefy – Event Registration



F.A.Q – Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can we play a competitive match without private servers?
    • A detailed procedure on how to play 8v8s using public servers can be found in Section 1.3 of the tournament rules.

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