Welcome to the new ESB website!

Welcome to our new website!
Since we started this journey with the community back in 2013, we’ve always had one central goal in mind, being the central HUB of Battlefield eSports. A go-to place for anyone who wanted to find out more about the competitive scene, it’s rules, what event was coming next, and a place to network with like-minded players.

With DICE/EA finally dedicating important resources towards eSports, particularly with Incursions, we felt that this was the right time to make this happen. For the past 6 months, we have been hard at work behind the scenes, to finally bring our vision to life, and be the website we’ve always wanted to be. With Battlelog not currently being supported anymore, and it having always lacked eSports features, we hope that you will all find a new place to call home in our new website.

While we want you to explore the website on your own, here are some of the new key features you will find on the website:

    Fully multi-lingual

  • English
  • French
  • Italian
  • German

   An eSports focused Social network

  • Player Profiles
  • Team Pages
  • Forums
  • Email-like chat
  • Private Live-chat (Disabled; bug fix in progress)

   Key Upcoming features:

  • Competitive Matchmaking
  • Player Stats


With a project this big, you will most likely find bugs and issues while you discover our new website. In an effort to fix all these issues as soon as possible, please give us a hand by reporting any bugs/issues you may find here: https://esport-battlefield.com/bug-reporting/

Last, but not least, I would like to personally thank the amazing team that has helped bring this entire project to life, a team that’s just driven by the passion of eSports and that never asked for anything in return. I hope you will all be able to appreciate the work that’s been put into this, and if you see any of these guys around our Discord or Social Media, please do give them a thank you.

The team:


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