Road to BFV – A Battlefield 4 Event Series


With the Battlefield V Open Beta now over, we have 2 months left before the game officially releases. During these next 2 months, we will be hosting a series of Battlefield 4 events on both PC and PS4 as a final goodbye to a game that many enjoyed competitively across all platforms.

On PC, with the help of Team Symthic, we will be hosting both a 5v5 Domination Cup and a 10v10 Conquest Small Cup. While on PlayStation 4, we will be hosting a 5v5 Domination Cup and a 16v16 Conquest Small showmatch featuring some of the best players that competed in ESB events throughout Battlefield 4.

The events will be open to players/teams from both Europe and North America, with server rules being detailed on the event pages.

Each Cup will be run via Battlefy, with teams being able to register their teams and players as usual (please visit the “Tutorials” section of this article if you need help signing-up). The showmatch will have a form through which players will be able to sign-up (we will however be sending out a few personal invites starting next weekend to certain players).

For a full schedule and event breakdown please visit the “Schedule” section of this article. Please note that each PC events runs over 2 days and that each PS4 event happens on the single day.

We hope you enjoyed the Battlefield V Open Beta and we hope to see you compete in this event series soon!

Schedule & Sign-ups

Note: Sign-up links will be posted in this section once sign-ups open as described below.
Note 2: Each Cup has a Swiss Style Bracket, meaning each team will have 5 matches to play regardless of how many they Win/Lose.




  • PS4 – Battlefield 4 – 16v16 Conquest Small Showmatch – Sunday October 21st 2018 – 3pm EDT / 9pm CEST
    • Sign-ups OPEN on Wednesday September 19th at 3:00pm EDT / 9:00pm CEST
    • Sign-ups CLOSE on Monday October 15th at 6:00am EDT / 12:00pm CEST
    • Rosters announced on Wednesday October 17th at 3:00pm EDT / 9:00pm CEST
    • Showmatch will last roughly 2 hours.
    • Sign-up form:




Battlefy – Team Creation


Battlefy – Event Registration



F.A.Q – Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the roster size for these events?
    • Roster sizes for each event can be found directly in section 1.6 of the rules in each of the individual Battlefy event pages
  • When is the registration deadline?
    • Registration deadlines for each event can be found in the “Schedule” section of this article.
  • What is the format of each cup?
    • Each Cup has a Swiss Style Bracket, meaning each team will have 5 matches to play regardless of how many they Win/Lose.
  • Are there any prizes?
    • No, there are no prizes for this event.
  • Will the cups be casted live?
    • Yes all the cups will be casted live, together with the showmatch. A weekly stream schedule will be posted on each Monday of the event weeks.
  • Will I be able to sign-up with my team for the PS4 Conquest Showmatch?
    • No, only players will be able to sign-up individually for the showmatch.
  • How will the players for the showmatch be selected?
    • We will be prioritizing players who have participated in ESB events throughout Battlefield 4. Remaining slots will be filled up on a first-come first-served basis.


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