ESB League – Announcing BFV Season 2


The Season 1 playoffs are taking place this weekend, but that doesn’t mean we can’t already announce Season 2!

We are excited to bring you a second Battlefield V season right away, with the hopes of proposing new formats in Season 3 this fall, once the Community Games update arrives in June.

Season 2 (like Season 1) will be open to all platforms and mainly for teams across Europe, North America, and South America. While we are aware not every platform/region combination we are proposing will have enough teams, we want to give everyone an equal opportunity to participate and hopefully have their very own league.

Visit the “League Schedule” tab to understand better the event format and “Qualifiers” to well, try and qualify!

Games Modes & Regions:

For Season 2 we will be featuring the following leagues on PS4, PC and XB1
  • 5v5 Squad Conquest
    • PC Europe
    • PC North America
    • PS4 Europe
    • PS4 North America
    • PS4 South America
    • XB1 Europe
    • XB1 North America
  • 8v8 Squad Conquest
    • PC North America & Europe
    • PS4 North America & Europe
    • PS4 South America
    • XB1 North America & Europe


There will be 2 Qualifiers for each Platform/Region/Game Mode combination that we will be offering. The Qualifiers have a One Day Cup, Swiss bracket format. This means that each team will have a predetermined number of matches to play regardless of how many they Win/Lose throughout each qualifier.

Each Qualifier you participate in will earn you points that count towards acquiring a spot in our league depending on how well your team does in each Qualifier. After both Qualifiers are over, the final rankings will be published, and the teams will earn their spot in a division of their respective Platform/Region. If enough teams compete in our Qualifiers, we will open extra Divisions where necessary. (Note: Division spots will be assigned based on each team’s final ranking. Ranks 1-8 will earn a spot in Division 1, 9-16 in Division 2, and 17-24 in Division 3.)

  • 1st100pts
  • 2nd75pts
  • 3rd50pts
  • 4th35pts
  • 5th-8th20pts
  • 9th-16th10pts
  • 17th-32nd5pts
  • 33rd-64th2pts

BFV Season 1 Invites:

As detailed in Section 1.13 of the ESB League rules, the top 5 teams from each Division 1, will be invited back to participate in Season 2, without having to go through qualifiers.

These teams will have until Monday, May 25th, to confirm their Season 2 participation with us and therefore maintaining their spot. After this date, those spots will be freed and opened up to teams playing in the qualifiers.

These invites currently apply to the following platform/region combinations:

  • PC – EU – 5v5
  • PS4 – EU – 5v5
  • XB1 – EU – 5v5
  • PS4- SA – 5v5

Please be aware that if all teams accept their invites for the above Divisions, note 2 written in “PC/PS4/XB1 Ranks”, would become: Ranks 1-3 will earn a spot in Division 1, 4-13 will earn a spot in Division 2, 14-23 will earn a spot in Division 3.

League Schedule

League Schedules:

Important Notes:

  • All 5v5 leagues (and respective divisions) feature 2 Matches a Week, while all 8v8 leagues feature 1 Match a Week only.
  • While the schedule below highlights the standard match days for each week, teams are still able to play the games on other days/times as long as each match is played in its respective week.
    • For 5v5s, the first match of the week has to be played from Monday-Thursday, while the second match of the week has to be played from Friday-Sunday.
    • For 8v8s, each weekly match has to be played from Monday-Sunday.
  • Standard times are as follows:
    • 5v5 EU: 9:00 pm CEST
    • 5v5 NA: 9:00 pm EDT
    • 5v5 SA: 9:00 pm BRT
    • 8v8: 9:00 pm CEST


  • Qualifier #1:
    • 8v8: Saturday 23/05/2020
    • 5v5: Sunday 24/05/2020
  • Qualifier #2:
    • 8v8: Saturday 30/05/2020
    • 5v5: Sunday 31/05/2020


Regular Season: Full Game Schedule released on Monday, 08/06/20, on the first day of the Season.
Important Note: The 8v8 Schedule is marked in green below, and separate from the 5v5 Schedule.

  • Week 1: Monday 08/06/20 – Sunday 14/06/20
    • Match 1 (5v5): Thursday 11/06/20
    • Match 1 (8v8): Saturday 13/06/20
    • Match 2 (5v5): Sunday 14/06/20
  • Week 2: Monday 15/06/20 – Sunday 21/06/20
    • Match 3 (5v5): Thursday 18/06/20
    • Match 2 (8v8 ): Saturday 20/06/20
    • Match 4 (5v5): Sunday 21/06/20
  • Week 3:  Monday 22/06/20 – Sunday 28/06/20
    • Match 5 (5v5): Thursday 25/06/20
    • Match 3 (8v8): Saturday 27/06/20
    • Match 6 (5v5): Sunday 28/06/20
  • Week 4: Monday 29/06/20 – Sunday 05/07/20
    • General Roster Lock: Monday 29/06/20
    • Match 7 (5v5): Thursday 02/07/20
    • Match 4 (8v8): Saturday 04/07/20
    • Match 8 (5v5): Sunday 05/07/20
  • Week 5:  Monday 06/07/20 – Sunday 12/07/20
    • Match 9 (5v5): Thursday 09/07/20
    • Match 5 (8v8): Saturday 11/07/20
    • Match 10 (5v5): Sunday 12/07/20
  • Week 6: Monday 13/07/20 – Sunday 19/07/20
    • Match 11 (5v5): Thursday 16/07/20
    • Match 6 (8v8): Saturday 18/07/20
    • Match 12 (5v5): Sunday 19/07/20
  • Week 7: Monday 20/07/20 – Sunday 26/07/20
    • Match 13 (5v5): Thursday 23/07/20
    • Match 7 (8v8): Saturday 25/07/20
    • Match 14 (5v5): Sunday 26/07/20


Playoffs: Brackets Released on Monday, 27/07/20

  • Playoffs Weekend: Saturday 01/08/20 – Sunday 02/08/20




Note: The Qualifiers will run through Battlefy, which means you must create your team there and sign-up for each qualifier individually through the links below if you wish to participate.

Qualifiers #1

Saturday 23/05/2020

Sunday 24/05/2020


Qualifiers #2

Saturday 30/05/2020

  • PC – North America & Europe – 8v8 Squad Conquest at 2:00 pm EDT / 8:00 pm CEST
    • Canceled
  • PS4 – North America & Europe – 8v8 Squad Conquest at 2:00 pm EDT / 8:00 pm CST
    • Qualifier canceled. Division 1 invites are being sent out to teams. Contact CodeName_Deus#0296 on Discord for more information.
  • PS4 – South America – 8v8 Squad Conquest at 8:00 pm BRT
    • Qualifier canceled. Division 1 invites are being sent out to teams. Contact CodeName_Deus#0296 on Discord for more information.
  • XB1 – North America & Europe – 8v8 Squad Conquest at 2:00 pm EDT / 8:00 pm CST
    • Canceled

Sunday 31/05/2020



PC Ranks

Points earned by each team, divided by each category, will be displayed here.

Note #2: Division placing will be awarded based on each team’s final ranking. Ranks 1-8 will earn a spot in Division 1, 9-18 will earn a spot in Division 2, 19-27 will earn a spot in Division 3.


PS4 Ranks

Points earned by each team, divided by each category, will be displayed here.

Note #2: Division placing will be awarded based on each team’s final ranking. Ranks 1-3 will earn a spot in Division 1, 4-13 will earn a spot in Division 2, 14-23 will earn a spot in Division 3.

PS4 – EU – 5v5 Squad Conquest:

Division 1 (Confirmed):

  1. ProLegion Gaming (S1 Invite Accepted)
  2. XceeD Gaming (S1 Invite Accepted)
  3. FDA Vulcain Esport (S1 Invite Accepted)
  4. MaD Players (S1 Invite Accepted)
  5. We Are The LaW (Qualified)
  6. Team Pulsar (Qualified)
  7. Vertigo (Qualified)
  8. Polish Legion MSX (Qualified)

Division 2 (Confirmed):

  1. NeFast by Irae (Qualified) (Pending Confirmation)
  2. Hand of God (Qualified) (Pending Confirmation)
  3. United Gamers Clan (Qualified) (Pending Confirmation)
  4. Nyxus Gaming (Qualified) (Pending Confirmation)
  5. Tribe E-Gaming (Qualified) (Pending Confirmation)
  6. CTRS (Qualified) (Pending Confirmation)
  7. GHR eSports Black Suits (Qualified) (Pending Confirmation)
  8. TBA
PlayerGames PlayedATT KillsATT Kill pgATT DeathsATT Death pgATT +/- pgATT ScoreATT SPKATT K/DSectors WonObjectives Won


PS4 – EU – 8v8 Squad Conquest:

Division 1 (Cancelled):

  1. VeNoM
  2. Gloria Victis
  3. CPV
  4. OPEN
  5. OPEN
  6. OPEN
  7. OPEN
  8. OPEN



PS4 – SA – 5v5 Squad Conquest:

Division 1 (Confirmed):

  1. Danger Zone Argentina (S1 Invite Accepted)
  2. Indominuz Team (S1 Invite Accepted)
  3. 2COM eSports (S1 Invite Accepted)
  4. iQuartz eSports (S1 Invite Accepted)
  5. Anonymous Army (S1 Invite Accepted)
  6. DeLuXe-SportS (Qualified)
  7. PKP6 (Qualified)
  8. Tango01 (Qualified)
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PS4 – SA – 5v5 Squad Conquest:

Division 1 (Confirmed):

  1. Indominuz Team
  2. 2COM eSports
  3. dLx
  4. iNs
  5. Anonymous Army
  6. PKP6
  7. Tango 01
  8. OPEN

XB1 Ranks

Points earned by each team, divided by each category, will be displayed here.

Note #2: Division placing will be awarded based on each team’s final ranking. Ranks 1-3 will earn a spot in Division 1, 4-13 will earn a spot in Division 2, 14-23 will earn a spot in Division 3.

XB1 – EU – 5v5 Squad Conquest:

Division 1 (Confirmed):

  1. NarKo eSport Amarok (S1 Invite Accepted)
  2. iRFlow Supremacy (S1 Invite Accepted)
  3. NarKo eSport Baku (S1 Invite Accepted)
  4. Nameless (S1 Invite Accepted)
  5. Brigada 028 (S1 Invite Accepted)
  6. Invictus (Qualified)
  7. DeuS gaming (Qualified)
  8. VHS (Qualified)

Division 2 (Cancelled):

  1. Narko Cerbère (Qualified) (Pending Confirmation)
  2. 31TN (Qualified) (Pending Confirmation)
  3. iRFlow Nemesis (Qualified) (Pending Confirmation)
  4. FRC spart (Qualified) (Pending Confirmation)
  5. FRC Valkiry (Qualified) (Pending Confirmation)
  6. OPEN
  7. OPEN
  8. OPEN
PlayerClassGames PlayedDEF KillsDEF Kills pgDEF DeathsDEF Deaths pgDEF +/- pgDEF ScoreDEF SPKDEF K/DSectors LostObjectives LostW/L


F.A.Q – Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will I need to play all the qualifier events?
    • For Season 2, teams aren’t required to play both qualifiers. We do, however, recommend playing in both if your team wishes to qualify for Division 1.
  • Can we change the roster between qualifiers?
    • Rosters may be changed between each qualifier. However, a certain number of players must remain the same between both qualifiers. A reminder that players may only attempt to qualify with one team in each category (5v5/8v8) as per tournament rules.
      • For 5v5: 5 Players must remain the same between each qualifier
      • For 8v8: 8 Players must remain the same between each qualifier
  • What is the roster size for this event?
    • Roster sizes for qualifiers are listed on Battlefy, while roster sizes for the actual league are as follows:
      • 5v5: 10 Players
      • 8v8: 20 Players
  • When is the registration deadline?
    • The registration for each Qualifier closes 6 hours before each Qualifier starts as detailed in the “Schedule” tab on each event page on Battlefy.
  • Will the league be hosted on Battlefy?
  • How many divisions will there be? How many teams per Division?
    • There will be a maximum of 3 Divisions per category on each platform/region (5v5/8v8), each made up of 8 teams.
  • My platform/region/game mode combination didn’t reach 8 teams, what’s going to happen?
    • A minimum of 8 teams that finish each qualifier for each platform/region/game mode combination will be required for a division to launch.
      • If a platform/region/game mode doesn’t reach at least 8 teams in the first Qualifier weekend, it will be canceled due to a presumed lack of interest.
  • My team has players that are out-of-region for 5v5s, can they still play?
    • No, all our 5v5 events are heavily region locked. Teams found breaking this rule or trying to circumvent it will be disqualified immediately.
  • Is ESB League BFV Season 2 prized?
    • There are no prizes for Season 2, teams will, however, be able to earn a large amount of ESB Points by competing in this event.
  • What kind of event is the ESB League relating to ESB Points?
    • Teams will gain ESB Points based on the division they play in for their respective 5v5 platform/region.
      • Division 1: Gold Tier Event
      • Division 2: Silver Tier Event
      • Division 3: Bronze Tier Event




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